Matching Gift Program

M A T C H I N G  G I F T  P R O G R A M


Former members of LifeBridge Church are eligible to submit an application for one matching gift per year (not retroactive) per household. The foundation will process the first 50 matching gift applications it receives each year.

Matching Gift Guidelines:

  • Former members of LifeBridge Church may apply for a matching gift to one 501(c)(3) charitable organization each year (not retroactive), per household.
  • The BridgeHead Foundation will verify that applicants were former members of the church, and its board will approve gifts that align with the mission and values of the BridgeHead Foundation.
  • Your annual gift to the organization must total at least $100. The foundation will match up to $500 to the one organization.
  • The board will consider up to 5 matching grants from different individuals that are designated to the same organization.
  • Your gift to the organization must be paid in the same calendar year that your matching gift application is submitted. The foundation will process 50 applications a year and will grant them on a first come, first served basis. Applications must be submitted no later than Oct. 31st and disbursements to organizations will be made annually in December.
  • If a portion of your gift provides you with benefits (i.e., covers the cost of dinner at a fundraiser or organizational membership, etc.), only the portion that is strictly a charitable donation will be matched.
  • In-kind and/or financial contributions to political candidates or organizations are not eligible for a match.


Application Procedure:

  • Complete the online Matching Gift Form by clicking the box below before Oct. 31st.
  • Upload a PDF document that verifies your charitable contribution to an organization in the form of a payment confirmation or receipt.
  • The BridgeHead Foundation reviews the eligibility of the charitable organization annually each November.
  • The foundation will pay matching gifts directly to the charitable organizations from its Donor Advised Fund annually in December.