Education & Training Focus


National renewal always originates with the renewal of the hearts and minds of a nation’s citizens. Restoring the vitality of a rigorous education that is designed equip the next generation to think creatively and critically is the key to rebuilding great families, great industries, and great communities. Yet most public educational institutions and Christian schools that attempt to sanctify their educational offering with a sprinkle of Bible and prayer, fail to deliver globally literate, tech savvy, critical thinkers, problem solvers, and innovators that are needed to drive the 21st century global economy.  An education process that develops virtuous character and deep intellectual rigor is necessary to restore the integrity, vitality, and ingenuity of the American work force.  Like the prophet Daniel, who received an education that fostered mastery of the literature and philosophy of the global system in the ancient world, we need a similar commitment to educational excellence that will propel Christians to places of influential service in every aspect of society.


Some of the most significant moments in Western history have been punctuated with erudite Christian thinkers from the medieval age through the Reformation, to the founding of our republic, who forged the development of Western values that we are sadly losing today as our ability to articulate, let alone defend our common values becomes lost amidst a culture of intellectual mediocrity. American founding father, Benjamin Franklin, warned that “it is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins.”


The BridgeHead Foundation supports U.S. based educational institutions and worldview training organizations whose educational model is designed to foster virtuous character and deep intellectual vigor, founded upon timeless biblical and ancient wisdom. These are institutions committed to preparing students to serve their local and national communities with innovative and strategic solutions that will benefit the common good of all. We believe with Benjamin Franklin, that a nation that is well informed and which has been taught to know and prize the rights which God had given them cannot be enslaved.