Letter of Inquiry


S U B M I T T I N G  A  L E T T E R  O F  I N Q U I R Y

While we do not permit unsolicited grant proposals, if you have reviewed the BridgeHead Foundation’s mission, philosophy, and focus areas and find alignment between your organization’s work and our foundation, then you are welcome to email a letter of inquiry to the foundation.

Letters of inquiry are accepted from U.S. charitable, religious, tax-exempt 501(c)3 organizations, who are working to carry out their mission as it coincides with our mission, philosophy, and focus areas.

A letter of inquiry should be two pages or less, and include the following information:

  • Name, address, email address, website address, telephone number, and primary contact for the U.S. organization making the request.
  • A brief description of your organization and the nature of its work, particularly as it relates to the problem or issue you’re wanting funding from the BridgeHead Foundation to address.  Please also include summary information about the constituency you serve, your geographic region, the type(s) of service you provide; and the size of your annual operating budget.
  • A brief description of the problem or need you plan to address and an explanation of the project or program you are implementing to address that problem.  Please include a brief description of expected outcomes.
  • The time frame for the proposed project, program, or general funding.
  • The proposed budget for the project, program, or general funding, along with details of how much you anticipate receiving in financial support from others, and the amount you intend to request from the BridgeHead Foundation.

Letters of inquiry will be reviewed once a quarter.  Those invited to submit a full grant proposal will be emailed a link to instructions on how to complete the online grant proposal application.

Please note that examples of past work, articles, reports, videos or other material should not be submitted with a letter of inquiry unless specifically requested.

Please email your letter of inquiry to: grants@bridgeheadfoundation.org

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