Micah 6:8
See our featured grantees both to the local Seattle and Pacific Northwest area and national organizations that BridgeHead Foundation supports.
We are all familiar with the simple adage, give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. Yet as simple as it sounds, somehow, so many social programs complicate the issue at hand by focusing on alleviating peripheral problems rather than simply empowering people and their local communities with the tools to advance and sustain their own economic development.
Perhaps one of the most profound and influential tenants of the Christian faith is the recognition of imago dei; that all people are uniquely and wonderfully made in the image of God. This aspect of our faith determines so much as to why Christians should value and nurture human life, human dignity, and human rights. It turns the focus of our faith towards loving people and their communities by promoting abundant life, productivity, freedom, and the relational well being of all.